Here at Jubilee Talent we have come up with a list of rules we believe every chef should live by and we invite all chefs, and hospitality staff, to take a read and we would welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on any element you think deserves more discussion!
Attend every appointment possible
Maintain integrity, it will reflect much better on you for the future
Always keep your CV up to date online
Make sure your CV is up to date on the jobsites you posted it on, people want to understand all your experiences
Do not ‘job hop’
Only accept a permanent role if you are really certain you are prepared to commit to i
For young chefs, being a freelance chef is not a career [controversial we hear you say!]
It is supposed to be an emergency stop gap between permanent roles
If you’ve never done something, admit it!
Better to say you don’t know than look like a fool
You are always learning
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
Money isn’t everything
Find a job or environment you genuinely love, and the money will come
Taste everything you cook
If you wouldn’t eat it, your clients won’t either. Plus, you will train your palette
Respect the hierarchy
It takes 10 years to become a Head Chef [at least!] That big pay jump can wait another few months
Every customer deserves your best
Whether they’re veggie, vegan, pescatarian or they have allergies they’ve come to you, how them how good you are
I was always told becoming a chef is a way of life not just a job. We love cooking! We love getting those fresh vegetables straight from the garden, that first delivery of Lamb in the early days of Spring or a freshly landed Dover Sole.
Don’t let people take advantage of your passion and your commitment, but love what you do, and remember why you started doing it!!