Write a cover letter
A resume is of restricted value to an employer if he or she doesn’t know what kind of work you want to do.
When you send your CV to an employer, make sure you include a cover letter which highlight your skills, qualifications and experience that you have that match the job.
How to write a CV
Writing a good CV can be one of the toughest challenging parts of the job process. Most employers spend just a few seconds scanning each CV before sticking it in the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Fixing together a perfect CV is easy once you know how. It’s a case of taking all your skills and experience and reconciling them to the job you’re applying for to determine whether you are appropriate for the role or not.
But what if you don’t meet the right criteria? We’ve put together some amazing tips on how to show the world ‘this is me!’ and get that all-important interview.
Get the basics right
It’s all about the way you cover some of the common sections. These include; personal statement, personal and contact information education and qualifications; work history and/or experience; relevant skills to the job in question; own interests, achievements or hobbies; and some references.
Short & Sweet
Think this is as your elevator pitch. A good CV is short, clear and concise which makes every single point mandatory without waffling. Usually a CV should be no more than two pages – and that’s two pages of A4 paper! Employers spend, on average, just 8 seconds looking at any one CV, and a perfect way of landing yourself on the no pile is to send them your entire life story.
Tailor a CV to specific job
We have all done it. Trolling the same CV again and again to lot of employers to save the amount of time… Stop! Create an exclusive and unique CV for every job you apply for. Remember your CV is the reflection of yourself, so it is important that it’s well presented and looks professional.
Know your Audience
Check the job description and understand the company, their values and objectives. What position are you applying for? What certifications are they looking for? What are the vital criteria for the role? Every CV should be personalized to every new job application and this includes your subjective profile.
Promote yourself
List you relevant skills and achievements from your previous jobs, explaining how you would use it in your new job role. Make the most out of your CV to tell the employer why they should hire you.
Keep your CV updated
It’s critical to review your CV on a regular basis and add any new skills or experience that’s misplaced. Every time something substantial occurs in your career, record it so you don’t later forget something that could be important. Remember, potential employers are always impressed with candidates who go the extra mile to boost their own skills and experience.