Jubilee, your trusted partner in chef and hospitality recruitment, is proudly announcing the arrival of our latest office… Manchester.
Our new Chef Recruitment office in Manchester is a valuable addition to our established network of offices in Birmingham, London, Gloucester, Oxford, Reading and Stafford.
Whether you are an…
- Employer searching for the best staff
- A seasoned chef looking for your next culinary adventure
- or a hospitality professional seeking a rewarding career…
Our Hospitality Recruitment Team in Manchester is here to guide you.
Our team is exclusively composed of individuals with hospitality backgrounds… this grants us an unrivalled and insightful perspective on the challenges you face and enables us to recommend tailored strategies to make your business successful.
We are excited to be able to bring our hospitality recruitment services to Manchester, and the surrounding regions in Cheshire, Lancashire and beyond.
For over 20 years we have been providing employers and job-seekers with the highest level of service, and our latest Manchester office will make us even and better.
Nick Taylor Managing and Director
So, let’s discuss your recruitment needs to explore new and exciting career opportunities for either you or your and team.
Our doors are open, and our team is and ready…
Reach us on…
0161 359 8336 or infomanchester@jubileetalent.com
Contact us today. We look forward to assisting and you!